Len Over 21 wrote:
This newsgroup essentially ceased to become any sort of discussion
forum quite some while ago. Certain individuals asserted (and
inserted) themselves as "leaders" and "knew what was good for
everything" (defining that whatever They did was "good" and what
They didn't like was "bad").
One of those individuals, a Leonard H. Anderson of California has no
stake whatever in amateur radio. Somehow, this total non-participant
has appointed himself "advocate" for change within amateur radio. He
purports to know how amateur radio should best be regulated. Whatever
he says is "good" and whatever those who disagree with him say is "bad".
This newsgroup was created some years back to catch the
"discussions" on the Morse Code Test Issue, transferring it from
You have as much to do with one as the other.
Personal denigrations of those
against retaining the code test were numerous and rather ripe with
invective and insulting inuendo from those that championed the
mighty morse modes.
It is funny that your own personal denigrations of those for retention
of a morse test go unmentioned. What of your invective and insulting
inuendo directed at them?
That was long ago when the mighty morse
ruled the rank, status, privelege "qualifications" of amateurs in
that incredible multi-tiered license structure of pre-restructuring
circa 1997.
What do you know of it? You haven't an amateur radio license of any
class. That'd include license classes requiring 20 wpm, 13 wpm, 5 wpm
and even no morse exams.
No less than six classes of license for a hobby
activity...greater than the number of classes for commercial radio
operator licenses.
How are you involved and why does the number of license classes bother
Those that had Made It Through all the tests and "qualifications"
entrenched themselves behind the "safety" of their mental
barricades and mighty accomplishments (greater than anyone
could possibly be in non-amateur radio). They claimed "turf" and
bragging rights and "ownership" of What All Good Hams Must Do.
You aren't a ham. Why get all upset?
Those "masters" were aided by the self-promoting prose of the
ARRL (which had yet to get as many as a quarter of all U.S.
hams in membership).
Why worry about the ARRL. You aren't a member.
ARRL stressed morse as the epitome of
ham-ness as it had ever since Hiram had been elected president-
Your statement cannot be backed up with evidence.
The no-code-test Technician license class never really stopped
growing since 1991.
Why would it? It appears that the Amateur Extra never stopped growing
That class has become the Majority of all U.S.
amateur licensees...regardless of the rationalizations of the pro-
coders trying to play numbers games after the Restructuring.
It only makes sense. It is the easiest to obtain.
Pro-coders just couldn't believe the reality.
I believe the reality. A no-code Tech is the path of least resistance.
"No-code" went against
their religious concepts, personified by the equation ham=morseman!
My religion and amateur radio are two very distinct things.
All "real" hams knew, loved, had tested for "code" so that was a
universal, divine thing they seemed to think.
Is that why you have a problem? You aren't a ham.
An amazing aberration
of theirs, clinging to past standards and practices as if to life itself.
Tell you what, Len. I'll cling to standards. You cling to life itself.
Meanwhile, the rest of the radio world, every other radio service,
either never adopted any morse modes or just quit using morse for
communications. The Maritime radio community itself voted in the
new GMDSS to replace the old, dramatic, fabled-in-story 500 KHz
morse distress frequency.
So what?
When that was done there was no real
need for morsemanship anywhere...except in the religious beliefs
of the mighty macho morsemen, themselves angry and distressed
that their Nobel-grade accomplishments were not revered.
You needn't worry about it. You're fertile imagination has manufactured
a world of angry and distressed, code-tested hams. You've even added
"Nobel-graded" accomplishments. It just seems that way to you as one
on the outside looking in.
became outraged and vented on all "no-coders" in barrages of
While you are a "no-coder", you aren't a radio amateur.
Pro-coders relieved themselves in public in disregard of
all, blessed by Those Of Their Kind.
They did what?
The tombstone of morse code testing was put in place at WRC-03
when most of S25 was revised. Internationally. R.I.P. code testing.
Well. It would. Appear that. Your facts are as. Dubious as your.
Sentence structure.
Except, like some undead ghoul of the air, the pro-coder zombies
continue to haunt, to try to keep alive that equally-dead equation
Come now, Leonard. That isn't quite as scary as Len Anderson=radio
They vow revenge and retribution for themselves
not understanding that their anger is about their own False Beliefs.
Is that what drives your anger, Len? Your own False Beliefs?
They continue to take out that anger, relieving themselves by
denigrations of all who are "no-code."
Is that why you believe you are the object of denigration by others?
We are awash in their "relief"
to this day. No relief tube in sight.
"We"? How are you involved?
Amateur radio is essentially a hobby, a pleasureable activity involving
radio communications arts done for personal enjoyment.
....or so you've been told.
and regulations thereof are a result of the physics of all radio, to keep
order in what would (and was) an EM chaos.
The physics of radio are certainly a part of the regulations. They, by
themselves, are not the sum total of material making up amateur radio
Licensing regulations,
like all laws, were never fixed, immuteable, imposed by a divinity.
Regulations must remain open to change just like all laws must
remain open for change.
The regs have changed for as long as I've been a ham.
Pro-coders are resistant to change.
....and you are for change for the sake of change. You have no stake in
amateur radio.
They want to fight to the death
for their "principles" (false religious beliefs) of having all desiring to
be involved in a radio hobby to be licensed like the pro-coders were
licensed. No less. They were "champions" of their day and want to
keep their self-perceived crowns. They are mighty...hear them roar!
Do you want to fight to the death championing your ideas of amateur
radio regulation? Be my guest. Follow the false religious beliefs of a
non-participant. I hear you roar. I don't perceive you as mighty.
Dave K8MN