Subject: ARRL to propose subband-by-bandwidth regulation
From: Dave Heil
Date: 9/5/2004 11:13 PM Central Standard Time
Len Over 21 wrote:
In article ,
Macho Morseman and Pilot In Command gunnery nurse) writes:
Subject: ARRL to propose subband-by-bandwidth regulation
From: (Len Over 21)
Date: 9/2/2004 1:29 PM Central Standard Time
In article ,
(William) writes:
Tsk. I have no need for titles, rank, status. I am secure in what I
can do...from practical experience doing it...successfully.
Izzat why you use the sig line, remind us periodically of your
membership and bring up your "name on the masthead" of 'Ham Radio'
magazine from time to time? How does your history as a PROFESSIONAL
appear so often?
And let us not forget Lennie's frequent appending of his former US Army
service number to the end of his posts...As if anyone care or if it mattered...
Amateur radio is a HOBBY. It isn't a job. It isn't a union. It isn't
guild. It isn't a craft. It is a hobby. in which you are not involved.
Thank God...Maybe we can keep the scum in one puddle.
Tsk. Irrelevant what I "have" or "don't have."
Actually, in a newsgroup dealing with amateur radio, it would seem quite
relevant that you are not a licensed radio amateur.
Now DAVE! Why should we assume he'd have any relevent experience or
participation? He's got a big mouth, a bad attitude, and the idea that the
Constitutions guarantees somehow mean it's OK to be an antagonistic twerp.
One day, someone will throw a brick through his windows or flatten his
tires, and "all of a sudden" he will realize that there ARE penalties for
running your mouth off.
If all nursie can argue is about pieces of paper (suitable for framing),
then she is very shallow indeed.
One of those pieces of paper would make you a radio amateur. You
haven't passed any exam which would provide one of those pieces of
The shallow one is the twit that suggested that framable certificates were
"all (I) can argue".
There was NO "GROL" when I took and passed my one test for
a First Class Radiotelephone (Commercial) Operator's license in
1956. Poor nursie just can't stand that someone did something
better than she did long ago. :-)
Better? Naw, just different. Your First Class Radiotelephone ticket
does nothing for you on the ham bands. For a guy who has no need of
status, you certainly bring up your "better than" First Phone often
It's not "better than" anything now.
One can have a complete and fulfilling career in radiocommunications
WITHOUT an FCC license anymore.
And Lennie's GROL (nee First Phone) is useless even to him unless he's
operating under the auspices of somone else's STATION license.
Nursie got in. That should say it all...
You didn't get in. That says much more.
League membership is around 170K.
Still? Tsk. Less than a quarter of all licensed U.S. amateurs!
Coincidentally, the membership of the Academy of Model
Aeronautics is also about 170 thousand members.
Isn't that wonderful!
With even MORE potential members to draw from, that places AMA's
membership at even LESS as a total percentage than ARRL's membership
Academy members mostly fly radio-controlled model aircraft.
They lobbied for and got a whole band of VHF frequencies for
such a fun hobby.
55 DISCREET CHANNELS at 72Mhz and 30 at 75Mhz.
Let's not forget the SIX channels in the 11 meter CB band.
That's 91 channels.
You can hear them "roar" on the bottom ends of the more popular HF
NOT on the 6, 9, 11, and 15 MHz bands. :-)
Those are "shortwave broadcast" bands...and are the "most popular."
They are the "most popular" where there is no cable or DISH-TV.
Good listening, kindly old SWL.
Listening, and nothing more...Except for Part 95 and Part 15 and his TV
and garage door remotes.
Steve, K4YZ