Thread: K1MAN
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Old September 7th 04, 07:48 PM
King Zulu
Posts: n/a

Of course, I was not the first to ever complain to the FCC about K1MAN's
operation. Glenn actually declared a national emergency for Bermuda when
their own government had determined there was no national emergency (the
hurricane missed). That sort of thing really doesn't make for good
international relations.



DEC 8,1987

Mr. [F L]
Brookfleld, Connecticut 06804

Dear Mr. [L]:
This is in response to your letter of November 15 1987, complaining about
interference to your communications from amateur radio station K1MAN
licensed to Glenn Baxter. The following Information would be helpful to us
In evaluating your complaint:
(1), Did amateur station K1MAN transmit directly over ongoing
communications? If so, did the content of amateur station KIMAN's
communications (or any other Information) Indicate that the control
operator knew that he/she was causing amateur station K1MAN to transmit
over ongoing communications?
(2) Can you specify particular Instances when Interference occurred? If so,
can you furnish tape recordings of those Instances?

You may send the information to us at the following address: Personal Radio
Branch, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554,Attention:
File 7240-F.

John B. Johnston
Chief, Personal Radio Branch


P.O. Box KM 1060,

April 25th. 1988

K1MAN, Glenn Baxter
Long Point Lodge
Belgrade Lakes, ME 04918

Dear OM,

Yesterday morning at 12.30 UTC the Bermuda Net operated on 14275mHz, as it
does every Sunday morning and has done so for the past ten years. At the
time of the San Salvador disaster, we made way for you to operate emergency
traffic and very happily co-operated as we always do for any station with
such traffic. This evening at 21.58 UTC I was talking to G4WIS and at 22.00
UTC you again did a broadcast without ensuring that 14.275 mHz was clear.

You consistently come on this frequency at 13.00 UTC without checking
whether the frequency is in use. Fortunately, you do not cause a problem
insofar that we have QS0's with hams who have linears. They get through and
have the great luck in not being able to hear your station. On a number of
occasions we have telephoned you at home, but we do not get any reply, so
can only assume that you are operating an unattended station.

If you want to broadcast, may I suggest that you contact the FCC for a
license to operate on the Commercial bands, but please do not operate a
broadcast type transmission on the ham bands which are for two way

It is acknowledged procedure in Bermuda and most countries whose operators
are ladies and, gentlemen, to enquire whether the frequency is In use,
however if you do not fall into either category, then I understand the
situation perfectly and there is no answer to such crass ignorance.

I hope that I can appeal to your better half to co-operate with the hams of
the world, I do not say fellow hams because I do not think that you can be
classified as such, and I request that you move into the Commercial areas as
that happens to be your forte.

Best 73,
Antony [S] (IARU Region 2 Liaison Officer RSB)