Thread: K1MAN
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Old September 7th 04, 10:18 PM
Posts: n/a

On 6 Sep 2004 23:49:53 -0700, wrote:

Will the alleged radio criminal, K1MAN, lose his license? I
read the ARRL Enforcement Log recently, which contained a
letter to the fat one from RH, which basically stated that
fatty would lose his ticket unless he stopped qrming, and
trying to pedal his useless **** over his stupid
qrm-cast.... well he's still here!

Anyone got the scoop on when the fat boy will go away

Well, personally, I think Hams should bombard Riely with
complaints, through the normal channels as well as a poliete
confrontations at hanfests he hits. I know he routinely hits the
Dayton Hamvention and I think that his travels take him to other
regional hamfests.
If enough people provide sufficient evidence of continued
interference (like several tapings made on the samr day and his
favorite frequency), then Riley will be spurred into action. Jusat
remember to mention the EB case number and the most recent warning
letters available on ARRL's enforcement logs pages.
As long as you're polite in explaining your frustration in
talking over the band when K1MAN is on and that the gentleman insists
on making illegal non-emergency related broadcasts and of an illegal
commercial nature (as long as he's conducting business that falls
under the Part 97 rules)
You can also make copies of the recordings and file a
complaint with the local branch office of the Department of Justice
or, if you are close enough, personally deliver tapes of the illegal
broadcasts to the nearest Federal Building/Courthouse and swear out a
complaint. When he has to start defending himself from multiple
complaints from around the United States, he'll realize that he's
going to spend more money defending himself than he would rake in.
Just as long as you're poliete with the Feds, you'll get some
action and that would also include the "in rem" siezure of his entire
shack as well as the antenna(s) he's using.
But, that's just a personal opinion, not meant to start any
flamewars (Flames will be totally ignored as a matter of business)
