Subject: Jim = Quitefine?
From: "KØHB"
Date: 9/10/2004 7:00 PM Central Standard Time
Message-id: . net
"Steve Robeson K4CAP" wrote
It's just a matter of trying to determine which face you're presenting
with any given topic.
What you see is what you get, Steve. Just to clear up any confusion on
your part, here are my thoughts on the predominate topics regularly
discussed here on rrap.
1 -- I think that Morse (CW) is a fun operating mode, sort of like
restoring old-time automobiles.
2 -- I do not think that Morse testing ought to be required to obtain an
amateur radio license of any class.
3 -- I think that you, Len, and Brian are a modern-day reincarnation of
the Three Stooges. You guys ought to petition NBC or CBS to revive that
When I was refering to your multiple faces, I was refering to the one
where in one breath you chastise others for name calling, flaming, personal
attacks and other such conduct, then turn right around and do it yourself.
And we can include you as the fourth Stooge.
There was no confusion, except perhaps in YOUR mind, as to what was being
said, about what and/or whom.
Steve, K4YZ