ARRL to propose subband-by-bandwidth regulation
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September 11th 04, 09:02 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article ,
(William) writes:
(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(Foul-mouthed Role Model of a Modern Ham Extra) writes:
The ones I feel sorry for are Mrs Lennie and thier cats. I doubt she
a clue as to how he acts in this open, public fourm. She will be the one
terrorized as a result of HIS actions.
Anyone attempting to "terrorize" my wife, me, or this household
will be in for a rude, painful surprise.
Google will, of course, archive this message made in a public venue.
The LAPD can access that. So can the telephone company security
people. So can AOL.
Intimidation "threats" made over a newsgroup are puerile rantings of
a deranged mind. No degrees or certificates needed to verify that.
Nah. Only one who is emotionally disturbed, like nursie gets at times.
He once got into a habit of "signing" his posts "Steve and the Boys."
[as if he had a 'hood gang here gonna do bad tings to me...] :-)
Then too was the other veiled threat of "it takes a few ounces of
pressure [on a trigger]" to silence someone. :-)
Another PCTA Role Model of a modern mad extra for all newbies to
emulate. Nice image of U.S. amateur radio? I don't think so.
The other PCTA extras condone, even encourage him to keep doing
that. Modern amateur spirit?
I comment to the other radio amateurs in here, not you, Brian.
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