On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 15:01:04 -0400, Mike Coslo
N2EY wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote in message ...
If that's art, I'm gald to be an engineer.
it isn't art, or even close to it. There is a "con man" element in the
art world today that seems to want to push the borders with every new
showing. It is how we get exhibits such as "**** Christ", exhibits of
decomposing cow carcasses, and now this abomination. Certainly the
Christ exhibit didn't harm any helpless creatures, and was mainly
extremely offensive. But anyone that thinks torture is art needs a visit
from Karma. In the meantime, since there is a element of "art is
whatever you can get away with" in the art critic world, people try to
get away with anything.
How is Canada disgusting because of what those three bums did?
73 de Jim, N2EY
They gave light (almost no) sentences to the *******s.
The people who did this should be either incarcerated or permanently in
a mental institution. They are out on the streets. To say that the
torture and mutilation of an animal is "art" of some form is merely
justification of their sociopathic condition.
Did you know that people that do that sort of thing (torture and kill
animals are more likely to turn into serial killers? To the extent that
it is considered a major indicator. Those three should be required to
register every place they go.
Any art exhibit that includes such a sociopathic thing is complicit in
the crime. I consider the promoters of this as guilty as the perps
themselves. If I worked for such an institution I would quit if they
were to show such a thing.
Any country where there wouldn't be a huge outcry and immediate
condemnation of such an event condones it.
This incident is indeed quite unconscionable, and the people who
committed this crime in the name of 'Art' surely deserve to have a
similar fate inflicted upon them. It also serves to highlight the
weak laws covering animal cruelty, not just here in Canada, but in the
US, and elsewhere, as well.
For example, Mike, in your own home state of PA, the penalty for
torturing animals is a whopping 90-day maximum sentence:
Penalty: Summary offense; maximum 90 days confinement and/or $50 -
$750 fine; possible forfeiture.
There is an excellent chance that, given the 'artistic' nature of the
offense, a fine and/or minimal jail time would quite probably be
imposed there as well. Note the 'possible forfeiture" above - the
perpetrator of this type of crime may not even have the animal removed
from his or her possession as part of the sentence!
Here, as well as there, exists no penalty whatsoever for killing an
animal outright - pet or otherwise - so long as it is done in a humane
manner. In both Canada and the US, any owner can walk in to the
neighbourhood vet's office and have an animal put down, no questions
asked. Or, one could take the old family dog out behind the barn and
shoot him. Perfectly legal, so long as no 'undue suffering' is
Is there an outcry? I live in Toronto, and can assure you that this
despicable psychopath and his sick film are the subject of public
protest and considerable hostility. The law, however, is the law.
As long as we, as a society, continue to pass animal rights
legislation which considers them simply as property rather than as
living entities, this sort of vileness will continue to proliferate.
Here in Canada, and in your own backyard too.
and there you have...the rest of the story....
Not quite - but you have a bit more of it now...!
- Mike KB3EIA -
73, Leo