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Old September 22nd 04, 05:45 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: Doing Battle? Can't Resist Posting?
From: "KØHB"
Date: 9/21/2004 2:45 PM Central Standard Time
Message-id: . net

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Why do I make mention of this?

Probably because it's Lennie who insists that no one here posts "on
subject" and only post to "do battle". Interesting, considering his
flagrant, frequent attacks on "Jimmy", "der Oberst" ,"Dill Sergeant",
"Mama Dee" andothers.

You miss the point, Steve. The purpose of r.r.a.p. is no longer
discussion of policy, or learning something, or study of communications

The purpose is to FIGHT and to denegrate the dignity of all who do not
agree with you! Any other post is off topic and is not welcome here.

Au contraire, Master Chief.

I have a great many other discussions that are nothing of the kind. But
then the "other" people involved tend to act civilly, refrain from the use of
diminutives and generally tend to be open minded sorts. Nor do they create
stories that are so easily disporven, make boasts of things done that can't be
verified, nor do they boldfaced misrepresent the truth.

And I must add...All of your "replies" vis-a-vis anything I have posted in
ANY thread has been of this angry, stick-it-in-your-ear kinda stuff.

I find it a bit hypocritical that you chastise me for that sort of thing,
all-the-while participating in it yourself.

Get with the program. No one is "mistaken" or "partially correct" on

Sure they are. We all are at one time or another. Even you.

They either 100% totally agree with you, or they are "a lying,
scum sucking, bottom feeding no-code beeper."

Another misrepresentation of the truth, Master Chief.

There is no in between,
and there must be at least one of each in every conversation here.
Anything which resembles a rational exchange of ideas and useful
information will either be ignored, or some enterprising induhvidual
will hijack the thread and turn it into an argument about Morse. No
other "Policy" conversation is allowed to survive unmolested.

If you're so frustrated, why spend one more day here? Feel free to
exercise the option of not participating if it so offends you. We'll miss you,
but we'll manage...


Steve, K4YZ