Subject: Doing Battle? Can't Resist Posting?
From: "KØHB"
Date: 9/22/2004 10:21 AM Central Standard Time
Message-id: . net
"Steve Robeson K4CAP" wrote
All of your "replies" vis-a-vis anything I have posted in
ANY thread has been of this angry, stick-it-in-your-ear kinda stuff.
Actually, I think you should "stick-it-in-" a somewhat lower posterior
And a prime example of "Do As I Say, Not Do As I Do" kind of response,
I find it quite ironic that you chastise others for confrontational or
acidic posts, yet you seem quite happy to jump right in and do it yourself.
It goes a long way towards unravelling your credibility as evenhanded.
Sure they are. We all are at one time or another. Even you.
I've only been wrong once on rrap. That's the time I thought I was
wrong, but I wasn't.
And this time. Again.
If you're so frustrated, why spend one more day here?
I'm not frustrated, Steve, just simply entertained by your predictable
knee-jerk reactions of angst and lack of tolerance for opposing opinion.
(In other words, it's great fun to watch you spin up your rotors when
someone tweaks your nose.)
Sure you're frustrated, Hans.
You've got the same case of "I Can't Have It My Way So I'll Make Everyone
Else Miserables" that Lennie has. Feel free to disagree, but it won't change a
Feel free to exercise the option of not participating if it so
offends you. We'll miss you, but we'll manage...
Is that kinda like "My way, or the highway" or "Don't let the door...."?
Nope. Just a friendly reminder that your opinion is no more or less
valued than anyone elses, but if you don't like the way things are going, there
ARE alternatives.
More than one person (meaning: other than me) has called Hans...
(gratuitous name calling deleted)...
"When a true genius appears in this world, you may know
him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy
against him." -- Jonathan Swift
72, de Hans, K0HB
Still one short as always, I see. I imagine its always been that way for
Steve, K4YZ