Thread: THANKS, Brian.
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Old September 29th 04, 12:27 PM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: THANKS, Brian.
From: Gareeb
Date: 9/28/2004 10:21 PM Central Standard Time

On 26 Sep 2004 16:44:29 GMT,
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote:

Subject: Radio Stories
Date: 9/24/2004 11:26 PM Central Standard Time

You conduct yourself politely and reasonably when Len's

then when you "team up" with him, you parrot him down to the diminutives

Yet you are Yell Dimuitive Man Complex (Yell DMC). Kind of like
Napolean, only far less important, actually insignificant.

Well, Brian, YOU stated that I could not be civil and address you by

Well for two weeks now I have addressed you as nothing OTHER than

"Brian" I
have been painstakingly careful to not even allow myself the error of doing

by reason of innocent typo.

And here again you have dived right back into the name calling.

Couldn't help yourself.

Thanks. Thanks for proving me right...AGAIN.

You really ARE your own worst enemy.

Steve, K4YZ

Why don't you two guys, Steve and Brian, just go on a date and kiss &
make up?

Why don't YOU take an oral soap suds enema and let us know what comes up?

Steve, K4YZ