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Old September 29th 04, 01:20 PM
Posts: n/a

In k4wge wrote:
Did you know you can donate to the ARRL through the Combined Federal
Campaign (or the United Way too, I guess)? For every dollar donated,
it keeps 27.8 cents for "administrative and fund-raising expenses."

The ARRL has a lot of expenses, of course. A fair bit of cash
is needed to buy fuel for the ARRL's fleet of Black Helicopters.
Maintenance on the Secret ARRL Lair, beneath Lake Geneva,
guarded by the Knights Templar, is also pretty costly. And
the remote monitoring of anti-ARRL kooks, so they can be
quickly rounded up when the New World Order takes over, is
another costly program--but well worth it, IMO.

Ken Kuzenski AC4RD kuzen001 at acpub .duke .edu
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