"Do As I Say, Not Do As I Do"...So Says Lennie The RRAP moderator
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October 2nd 04, 05:08 PM
Posts: n/a
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message . com...
(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
Try crawling out of the fantasy of nursieworld and talk about the
subject. [see above on the says "Canadian No Code
Proposal Open for Comment" not nursie's on-going battle with
anyone who doesn't agree with him...]
It's hardly been on-topic since one non-licensed respondent
chimed in with this bit of germane comment:
Search Result 8
From: Len Over 21 )
Subject: Canadian No Code Proposal Open For Comment
View: Complete Thread (137 articles)
Original Format
Date: 2004-09-01 21:18:57 PST
BTW, the Olay cosmetics company now has a body wash product
called "Ohm." [just saw it on the shelves at market today] I think
that will meet with some resistance in some U.S. ham circles...
Funny how your own smart mouth keeps coming back to bite ya on
the butt, isn't it, Your Putziness...?!?!
Steve, K4YZ
Steve, "putz" and "butts" huh?
Always the very, very strange foci of your attention.
So you're back to calling people the Yiddish word for penis, even
after all the backchannel plea's from the PCTA Bosses. Thumbing your
nose at the Bosses just might be construed as "shooting off your
mouth." You're your own worst enemies.
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