For starters you can do no better than erect an inverted-L
To cover all bands from 160m upwards, overall length (vertical + horizontal
sections) is ideally in the region of 45 to 50 metres (150 feet to 170
feet.) but shorter lengths are OK although it may be become more difficults
to tune up on 160m.
You will need only a moderate ground such as half-a-dozen surface or shallow
buried ground wires no longer than 15 metres (50 feet). But shorter lengths
will be OK. If there is some wire left over then use it to increase the
number of radial wires rather than increase lengths.
The L need not be in straight line or the vertical section vertical. But
bends should preferably be less than 90 degrees,
On 160m a simple L-match tuner will suffice. 40uH roller coaster and a 450pF
capacitor. Or a selection of coils wound on toilet roll tubes.
It cannot be repeated too often, the higher the vertical section the better.
If your backyard is short in length then make an inverted-U out of it.
The inverted-L is the best all-round antenna for moderately-sized back
yards. It is all-band and for practical purposes omni-directional. Its only
disadvantage is that in a city or town environment it is sensitive to
locally-generated noise on 160 and 80 metres.
If local noise IS a very important factor then the next best thing is a
half-wave dipole for 160m. But this requires twice the length of antenna (up
to 260 feet) to work well on 160m.
Think about more complicated antennas only in terms of single-band,
multi-element beams at the higher frequencies.
The best of DX on 160m. Reg, G4FGQ