Subject: US Licensing Restructuring ??? When ???
From: (Brian Kelly)
Date: 10/4/2004 2:29 AM Central Standard Time
(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(Mechanical Man) writes:
Right on the money. As if Sweetums ever sank dime one of his own wad
one into any "station he operated".
PLMRS VHF two-way, base and mobiles, as part of a partnership...
which required a helluva lot more than a "dime." :-)
Oh gawd, OK, I surrender, so you sank some coin into the world of blue
dot & green dot radios. Didja get their WTAS (Worked Taxicabs in all
States) award? What's the URL for this "partnership"?
Yeah...ya gotta admire a guy who can "build" a radio system just by
throwning more money at it...Really impresses the bee-jeebers out of me!
Fact is that he wouldn't have done
any of it if us taxpayers hadn't paid him to do it . . . Hell, we even
paid him to trudge thru the University of Monmouth Vo-Tech Division.
What do you mean "we paid," Kellie?
Were you a "taxpayer" in 1952? How much did you actually pay ME?
Well, isn't that so terrible...a citizen volunteers for military duty
serves honorably, then some arrogant elitist comes along and
calls all such for "drudges." His noble, elite, royal self was TOO
GOOD for any such menial task such as defending this country.
God forbid any HARM that might come to blessed royalty such as
his noble self from actually SERVING his country!
It was at the Fort Monmouth, NJ, Signal School, not a "university."
As a member of the United States Army.
Feel free to continue looking down your noble, royal nose at
veterans who volunteered. No problem. You won't change, not
even if you get all the peasants to eat cake instead of hard-to-get
bread. Madame la Guillotine will have the cure.
Getting yourself a bit wrapped up in that "patriotic bunting" that you
seem to express disdain in others, aren't you, Lennie?
As long as YOU are the one being wrapped, I guess it's OK, huh...???
Meanwhile, go ahead, continue to damn the peasantry. Isn't it
awful that the "peasantry" have freedom of speech? Tsk.
Sponge. Bleh!
Ooooooo...the ELITE speak against the "drudges!"
Nah, none of it has anything to do with anybody's military service or
lack thereof Sweetums. I simply needed to find out how hard I had to
yank yer chain in this topic area before you came unglued again. I
expected to have to put up with another round or two but nope, here it
is. You usta be a helluva lot quicker Sweetums. Getting OLD is a pain
the ass isn't it?
It doesn't have to be, Brian...A great many of my patients are folks well
into thier 80's, and they are active, happy and fulfilled people.
Of course that's there Lennie loses touch...He won't DO anything to get
himself out of his rut, and then blames everyone else EXCEPT himself for his
lack of fulfillment.
You do your things, I add my things and we get the job done. But
Sweetums can do it ALL . . . of course his history proves otherwise.
Tsk. "My history" disproves Kellie's ASSumptions.
Wanna take it back to the conditions under which you departed NAS
Din think so.
I have noticed that Lennie hasn't been so bold as to repost his whole CV
here again since I was able to approach folks who were actaully AT one of them
and do a bit of investigating of my own.
Of course I think Lennie LIKES getting his tail under the rockers...He so
often posts stuff that is so easily disproven with readily available facts that
one wonders what he could have been thinking other than to induce a
self-humiliating scenario.
But...he is of the nobility, the elite, and doesn't recognize "drudges"
who worked for a salary. :-)
Lemmee know when you get yer home installation of Microstation to spit
out the plane and torsional moments of inertia of a tower section.
...and don't forget to inform everyone that MECHANICAL elements
of antennas are MUCH MORE important than any menial
electrical "drudge" characteristics.
| snore |
Why don't you two sweetums move this to private e-mail? Or are
you bound and determined to turn this public-access newsgroup
into a cozy little private chat room suitable only for PCTA extras?
What's a' matter Sweetie, you can't stand it when the adults around
here talk over yer head? One of your peers, my seven-year-old #2
grandson has the same problem.
Lennie loves sending stuff via private e mail. Of course he doesn't send
what he promises...but he does love doing it!
Steve, K4YZ