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Old October 10th 04, 01:00 PM
Airy R. Bean
Posts: n/a

A bit of a non-sequitur there, OM.

There is no reason to "get kids involved"

Ham Radio is made up of those who are sufficiently
interested to get themselves involved, and to educate
themselves. Those who are led by the hand will never be
anything more than CB fodder.

"William" UpYours@nospam wrote in message
"Airy R. Bean" wrote in message
If the gangrenous degeneration that is the M3/CB Fools' Licence
here in Britland is anything to go by, the program described below
will be a big mistake, for it will flood the bands with those who
are not technically motivated in themselves. Ham Radio is a technical
pursuit and kids simply do not have the mathematical background to
enable them to do even the simplest of resistances-in-parallel
In that case, perhaps you could take it upon yourself to get kids
