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Old October 12th 04, 09:34 PM
Brian Kelly
Posts: n/a
Default PA BPL Trials Expanding - Already Very Successful

"Lloyd" wrote in message ...
On 11 Oct 2004 20:54:56 -0700, Brian Kelly wrote:
"Lloyd" wrote in message ...
"A year and a half has passed since PPL Corp. launched secret trials
of the futuristic technology that provides high-speed Internet access,
or broadband, through electrical wires and power outlets. Since then,
the Allentown company has begun marketing ''broadband over power
lines,'' or BPL, throughout much of the Lehigh Valley." --,5900622.story

The article goes on to say that 72% of PPL customers are very
satisfied with the service, and that the company is going to expand
the BPL service into even more communities.

Grossly misleding journalistic BS. OK so maybe 72% of their customers
who have signed up for PPL BPL are satisfied with the service. Which
leaves 28% who apparently are not satisfied. Pretty dismal rollout eh?

No it doesn't mean that. It isn't a binary situation (very satisfied
vs dissatisfied), but rather a gradation. You should have read the
article, which says that only 5% of the customers described themselves
as "dissatisfied" or "somewhat dissatisfied." What the 5% statistic
really means is that 95% of the customers were either satisfied or
very satisfied with the service.

And it ain't 72% of their power customers, it's only 72% of a FLUSH!

[Rest of response flushed, because someone who didn't read the article
can't possibly have an informed opinion about the article.]

Of course I read the article Lloyd, I simply quoted your own stats.

And by the way Lloyd I've been to that area myself with my own
equipment and tuned the BPL signals in Emmaus on three occasions. I
worked there hands-on with Ed Hare when he was running the ARRL BPL
surveys, I was there when W3HJ ran his spectrum analyses of BPL, etc.
I also have a strong technical professional and business background
and know a problematic technology when I see one Lloyd. Been there,
done 'em. It ain't binary Lloyd, BPL is a technology which could go
either way down the road so I'll stick while you flush yer little
heart out around here. In the meanwhile I suggest that you put a bit
of work into getting out from behind the power curve on the subject.

Have a nice day Lloyd. 'Bye.
