"Lloyd" wrote in message
[SNIP much crap]
And by the way Lloyd I've been to that area myself with my own
equipment and tuned the BPL signals in Emmaus on three occasions. I
worked there hands-on with Ed Hare when he was running the ARRL BPL
surveys, I was there when W3HJ ran his spectrum analyses of BPL, etc.
All are choir members who continue to sing the ARRL official anthem.
Their collective objectivity is certainly questionable.
So the other people from other countries also saying BPL is a problem are
also singing ARRL anthem?? How interesting.. I didn't know Japan, Austria,
Australia, New Zealand, Germany, etc, etc were all part of the ARRL???
After all, there are radio users from all those places (and more) all
singing the same song - some long before the ARRL even thought about BPL...
Their "collective objectivity" is fine - they all find the same problems
from BPL...
I also have a strong technical professional and business background
and know a problematic technology when I see one Lloyd. Been there,
But 95% of the BPL customers were "somewhat satisfied" to "very
satisfied," and the test is being expanded to include more
communities. Maybe you need to redefine "problematic technology" just
a tad.
It is problematic technology to HF RADIO USERS, not necessarily the BPL
customers. But do we really want a small group of happy BPL customers if a
larger group of shortwave listeners, amateur operators, and other HF and VHF
users are adversly affected??? I'm sure the survey of 'happy customers'
didn't include anyone adversly affected by the interference caused by BPL...
done 'em. It ain't binary Lloyd, BPL is a technology which could go
either way down the road so I'll stick while you flush yer little
The professional engineers at the IEEE support BPL, the FCC chairman
supports BPL, and even President Bush has put his support behind BPL
And what the hell do you expect 'business orientated people' to say?? BPL
proponents have splashed around the almighty dollar sign and mentioned about
how happy the voters will be that broadband is available to more people.. Of
course they are going to support it!!!
What about all those other bodies that don't support it? The ones that look
beyond what it delivers to the home. Of course if you don't look for any
interference then you won't find any, will you.. You bloody yanks are so
stupid - "oh the President supports it so it must be OK".. utter waffle that
shows just how childish and easily lead you are... Would you believe that
the earth is flat if the President said so???
(see http://www.plca.net/WhiteHouseWhitePaper.pdf if you are expert
enough to read portable document format). I'm afraid that the power
players are backing BPL and that the ARRL doesn't have a snowball's
chance in Hell of changing that. Wi-Fi technology from the pedestal
to the house also means that the interference level claimed by Ed Hare
simply won't be found in the final BPL product.
Crap - the problem comes from the radiated signal from the nice long wire
antenna called power line - you know, that bloody long cable running down
the street on top of the power poles... That is what radiates the most
signal and spurious emissions, regardless of how it is finally delivered to
the household. Even BPL delivered by underground shielded cables have shown
unacceptably high interference levels around the properties serviced...
Are you radio orientated at all? What happens when you pump an RF signal
into one end of a long unshielded piece of wire? You know, the kind of wire
you'd use to make, well, a long wire antenna.... Of course, different
lengths of power line will radiate different levels of signal, just as when
you use a long wire antenna not tuned for the band you are on, but in the
end the overhead power line is not a sheilded cable or coaxial cable - it's
just a straight length of wire that radiates RF nicely....
Wake up and smell the bull**** you are waffling. EVERY country that has or
has trialed BPL has reported at least some interference problems by various
radio users, not just amateurs. Japan has banned it because the Government
found the interference too much, Austria has stopped trials for the same
reason. Now ask yourself which Administration really cares about their
entire population - the Japs, Austria, etc that actually refuse a technology
because it will adversly affect a large number of citizens - or the USA,
etc, who are willing and happy to ignore the difficulties it will cause a
large number of radio users simply because "it's new and exciting
technology!!!". Which Government seems to be more interested in its
citizens rather than just big business???
Christ sakes, asbestos was 'new and exciting' when it first came out - now
it's killing people!
If I were you Amaericans I'd be seriously asking the Government exactly who
they represent - the people or just the big businesses..... Seems the
individuals rights have been sold out for the sake of 'technology'...
It may be that the only way for amateurs to get an objective answer is
to convince the K1MAN RFI Laboratory to run tests of its own.
Not just amateurs - all you shortwave listeners out there, trying to receive
extremely weak signals from distant countries, will probably be worse
affected and have absolutely NO interference protection or comeback....
Have fun!!!
Martin (NOT a God damn Yankee)