William wrote:
On another "radio-related" newsgroup, an amateur asks:
"Subject: 80 meter European and Russian SSB frequencies?
Where is a list of the freq allocations for DX on 80m ssb?"
From the worlds greatest dxer, I was under the impression that we
weren't permitted to know the amateur allocations of other countries.
We must blindly tune up and down the bands hoping that we snag a
contact with a needed country. Having knowledge of where to tune is
1. I'll point out for a fourth, fifth or sixth time, I've never claimed
to be the world's greatest DXer--but I thank you for the compliment.
2. Your statement is not only incorrect, it is deliberately so. Not
being required to know the amateur allocations of foreign countries is
nothing at all like not being permitted to know. Do you know what they
call a person who tells a deliberate untruth?
Or he just hangs out and waits for the spots to roll in, or works the
Your DXploits are legend.
Dave K8MN