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Old October 16th 04, 05:28 PM
Brian Kelly
Posts: n/a

"King Zulu" wrote in message news:coRbd.251927$D%.224949@attbi_s51...
----- Original Message -----

From: "Brian Kelly"
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 3:24 AM
Subject: The War Heats Up: The ARRL Goes After Powell

AK, so make a recommendation in every comment that you make to the FCC
that the Chairman must hold an Amateur Radio License or GROL. Best of

And an EE + LLD . . .

Actually, knowing something about the technology the FCC Chairman has
authority over does not require an amateur radio license, although that
would suggest some minimal amount of comprehension of the medium he/she is


The LLD (Doctor of Laws) is always problematic. An LLD
suggests many ethical character problems and a mind generally not
interested in real-world science or engineering.

Not always. I think your brush is too broad. There are LLDs and there
are LLDs: EE+LLD types are very different animals from the usual
run-of-the-mill attorneys and they're out there in some volume. I know
several of the general breed myself. Two are chem engs and another is
a mech eng who work in the complex field of patent law and are very
sharp technically. Another is an ME+LLD accident reconstruction expert
I worked with one case he had. One more is an EE+MBA+LLD technology
consultant to venture capital investors. I got into a tussle over an
injury insurance claim with an LLD+MD. There's a tough one . . !
Technically sharp lawyers are out there but are seldom found working
for neighborhood law firms.

An experienced FCC field
engineer who understands both the technology of radio and the politics of
Congress, as well as the politics of the many communications special
interest groups, would most likely be the best candidate for FCC Chairman.
believe that in days gone by, FCC engineers were promoted (actually
nominated and approved by Congress) to Commissioners. Don't know if any made
it to Chairman.

Amen. At least two, maybe three of the commisioners should come from
the pool of experienced communications lawyers. There are a bunch of
those specialists around and available and many of 'em are hams. The
ARRL has a whole network of 'em on tap per Chris Imlay. We even have
our very own RRAP resident comms lawyer, Phil Kane K2ASP, EE+LLD,
former head of the San Francisco FCC Field Office.

For sure, they wouldn't stand for today's BPL stupidity and

Troll for Phil, he'll explain it . . . !

