"Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@get rid of this mindspring.com wrote in message link.net...
"Brian Kelly" wrote in message
So we'll have to deal with it. But it could have been a *whole* lot
worse if the FCC hadn't (grudgingly) paid attention to ham radio's
squawks about the interference problem.
BPL is going to be out there but it'll be far from the original slash
and burn form espoused by it's big biz proponents and supported by
it's political sycophants. This R&O gives us HFers the tools we need
to ward off BPL if the crap actually becomes a problem in your
A tiny, obscure number of us radio hobbyists in a population
approaching 300 million has had a visible impact on a hot potato issue
with a high-visibility federal regulatory agency. We couldn't have
reasonably expected more. We done good despite the doomsayers
But a Haynie has put it the devil may yet be in the so far undisclosed
details of this R&O so stay tuned . .
The ONLY SURE way to not have problems with BPL is to NOT HAVE BPL AT ALL.
The Power Companies have a really crummy record of taking care of their
power line noise. Which is also illegal.
Riley even said " you can't expect them to shut down their entire grid for
one ham operator".
This after being plauged for over 5 years with PL noise.
The FCC is a joke.
The standard procedure for mitigating PL noise around here is to (a)
Don't even bother with the FCC. (b) Take it straight to the PA state
Public Utilities Commission. Which has a bunch more clout in the power
biz than the FCC has and they take PL noise problems seriously and are
rather effective at making it go away.