Ya Screwed Up Again, Brain...
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October 17th 04, 09:03 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article ,
(William) writes:
(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:
(Len Over 21) wrote in message
Nursie's newsgroup technique is simply to personalize each and
every thread and discussion with insults heaped on everyone who
doesn't agree with him. Doesn't really matter what the subject is,
it must boil down to his anger and antagonism against everyone
else. Gets tiring very quick.
Welp, he continues to shoot his mouth off.
I never stopped to consider just how many stinkers were in amateur
radio, yet each time one shows up, he's usually wearing the 20WPM
badge very prominently.
I did notice the loud one pining for an Elecraft kit with the 160M/SSB
option. Hi, hi! I wonder if the rubberband man will notify him that
160M is for CW, as he did me? No, no, of course not.
He cracks me up though. He needs his wife to get off of her purse so
he can buy one. I thought he had both a nurses paycheck and a
disability check every month? Kind of obvious who really wears the
flight suit in that cockpit.
Kind of puts the "command pilot" wings on a different uniform... :-)
Wonder if he got a pair of coveralls for her?
I still get a kick out of "pilot in command"...for a little two-seater
single-engine general-aviation aircraft... :-)
Shouts "Clear!" before switching on the ignition, and makes airplane
noises while he's driving his car. Chopped his radio to get on CAP
frequencies while "flying" around town.
Gosh, with all the "state of the art" expertise floating around in
here (outgassed by the PCTA), it should be an easy snap to
come up with a "unique, one-of-a-kind" world-beating on-off keyed
CW rig on a weekend...and then spend another weekend making
a glorious personal web page trumpeting the Nobel-level
achievement. :-)
Hi! I recall another "state of the art" Extra trying to finish up his
Worked All States. I wish them all the very best of luck in extending
the radio arts.
I wonder what the history of ARRL's WAS program is? Were the first
WAS certificates for 48 states or fewer?
heh heh heh heh heh heh ... some absolute literalist (probably Mama
Dee) will jump in here with Detailed dates and the "official" statements
of the ARRL in regards to the first WAS. Bank on the Literal Word.
Not much sense of humor in here. Too many offended egos full
of Righteous not being given the love, respect, and
reverence they feel they so richly deserve! :-)
No problem. Newington is located in one of the original 13 states.
They have noticed there are 37 other states in the Union...but not
much more than that. :-)
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