Subject: Designed And Built By PROFESSIONALS....
From: "KØHB"
Date: 10/18/2004 8:16 PM Central Standard Time
"Jim Hampton" wrote
C'mon, you know better than that. Perhaps the point is that equipment
sold in the United States is *supposed* to be (and likely was) checked
for radiated emissions.
Of course I know better than that!
And so does Jim.
A single example of this product developed some sort of birdie/spur on
121.5. Nothing more, nothing less.
On the contrary.
That device is a rather expensive piece of consumer electronics. If I
plop down more than $100 for a television, I darn well expect it to do what I
want, and I DON'T expect it to do stuff I don't want it to do...Like QRM'ing
Of course the story makes good news copy on a slow day, but it's hardly
a remarkable incident, and certainly not a reason to make snide innuendo
about "Designed And Built By PROFESSIONALS".
Sure it was.
It was an expensive piece of consumer electronics that launched an even
more expensive (and potentially distracting) search and rescue mission. The
USAF and it's proxy, Civil Air Patrol do NOT dismiss as "unimportant" ELT
signals or RF radiated on ANY frequency that have the potential of being a
distress signal.
Neither is it a reasonable
basis for a jeremiad about the FCC shirking their responsibilities.
Why not?
What other agency is responsible for establishing the technical standards
for consumer
My name is Hans and I improved this message.
This was improved?
Steve, K4YZ