Cheap Shot Brokeslob...Why Am I Not Surprised?
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October 21st 04, 06:02 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a
Cheap Shot Brokeslob...Why Am I Not Surprised?
Subject: WHICH Extras, Brain?
From: "KØHB"
Date: 10/20/2004 6:42 PM Central Standard Time
Message-id: et
"Steve Robeson K4CAP" wrote
Dear Rich,
Some time ago a story appeared in CQ that told a story about a
recently licensed operator who made the mistake of using "CB" lingo on
The story went on to tell about a "crusty" old op that
subsequently read
him the riot act on the air, causing the young op to rethink his
Can you help me locate this article?
Steve Robeson, LPN
Amateur Call K4YZ
Winchester, TN
fm: K0HB
to: W2VU
Hi Rich,
Just so you know what's going on......
Back in 1997 on one of the USENET newsgroups,,
I wrote the story quoted below. Today I repeated it there in response
to a related post from Jim, AA2QA, trying to promote more harmony among
the various license classes.
Another fellow there, K4YZ, has suggested I plagiarized the story from
CQ magazine, and I've called his bluff. You'll get a message from him
asking to locate the story in CQ.
I asked him about the story without "who what when where why".
I asked him a benign question about a "CQ" story.
You made it a personal vendetta. Covering your butt.
You had to give your "friend" a "head's up". Turned it into a flamefest
outside of the firepit. Why do you think it was necessary to give Rich a
"head's up"..?!?!
Does every inquiry about "CQ" magazine require a clarification from you?
Guess this just kinda confirmed my suspicions about what kind of a creep
you really are, Hans.
Steve, K4YZ
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