Phil Kane wrote:
On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 03:33:43 GMT, Robert Casey wrote:
We are going to have to develop a new digital mode that looks a
lot like BPL, such that any BPL systems in the neighborhood
are trashed when we fire up the transmitter. Tough bananas
BPL providers, we are licensed...
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 23:37:54 GMT, Dan/W4NTI wrote:
They (BPL) is the unlicensed user, we (hams) are the legal users.
Fire up a KW beacon on a dead ham band.
It's not that simple.
At present we have protection against non-licensed users including
BPL. When it becomes uncomfortable for the BPLers, they will
petition the FCC and with enough "juice" applied, the situation may
very well change 180 degrees as to who has to protect whom.
The protection that the Rules grant can be reversed at the stroke of
a pen.
Do you have any idea how the rules might be rewritten so that they
exempt BPL, but don't apply to every other unlicensed service? THe act
of unlicensed services given carte blanche to interfere with the
licensed ones would indicate that they can interfere with other
unlicensed services!
Just wait until some intermod interferes with a baby monitor at the
wrong time! Guess Mr and Mrs Smith will be consoled that their neighbor
can download his porn via protected BPL.
This is the opening of a brave new world of wonders! Just imagine once
those pesky "regulations" (a swearword in republicanese) go away.
Those cheap Chinese TV's will be a couple bucks cheaper once they can
get rid of that stupid RFI shielding.
The same for computer monitors. Those sissies that are worried about
monitors pooping all over international distress frequencies can go take
a hike. The need for another broadband option and the needs of the many
far outweigh the needs of a crashed pilot. Hell he or she knew the risks
when taking off for that flight.
So many electronic items can be made cheaper by removing those stupid
interference regulations, it is a wondrous thing. The free market rulez.
Somewhere along the way, people will discover that *nothing* works
anymore tho'. ;^)
- Mike KB3EIA -