Cheap Shot Brokeslob...Why Am I Not Surprised?
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October 24th 04, 07:26 PM
Len Over 21
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(William) writes:
(Len Over 21) wrote in message
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(William) writes:
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Subject: Cheap Shot Robeslob...Why Is No One Surprised?
Date: 10/21/2004 6:12 PM Central Standard Time
"KØHB" wrote in message
"Steve Robeson K4CAP" wrote
What was the purpose of your "head's up" letter to Rich, W2VU
To assist him in searching for the article. I presumed if he had a
vertaim copy it would be much easier to locate the issue it was
published in. Unfortunately (for you) his search was not successful.
Those "actions", including my apology for having gotten it
about CQ
vis-a-vis another source.
No apology has yet appeared on my newsreader nor in my email inbox.
36, de Hans, K0HB
Hans, I see no apology either.
Meanwhile, Steve is manically exhausting all other avenues before he
has to phase the music.
"Face" the music, Brain.
Left Face!
Right Face!
About Face!
Two Face!
As you were! (two faced)
Hi, hi!
Nursie likes the "cross-order drill" stuff... :-)
He especially likes "dress and cover." anything with a uniform. :-)
But in the end, I'm sure you'll get your
apology because he's told us before that he admits when he's wrong,
even though I've never seen an apology from him.
You only see what you want to see, Brain.
I've since seen your apology. Pretty lame stalling tactic while you
have an ARRL Staffer decide if Hans is a liar.
No intergrity is your accusations, and no integrity in your apologies.
Your word isn't woth much.
Hi, hi!
Nursie doesn't "need" to apologize...she is always right and has
the right to accuse anyone of anything...and does. [nursie is a
code-tested extra and therefore immune from her
fantasy world]
There's definitely something very wrong upstairs.
Tsk. He keeps looking in his mirror and ascribing the image's
faults to others. Characteristic.
Obviously Hans saw the apology after reading a little bit.
though, since he "responded" to posts made AFTER those comments, yet
didn't see those. Oh well...He DID see them and DID respond
Strange is Steve. Steve is Strange.
Dr. Strangelove, "qualified medical doctor" is one of his personalities.
Lithium. Grease.
He keeps trying to get all to "bend over" for him. Not good.
He's in too deep on
this one to snub you on your justly deserved apology.
You need to ask around, Brain. I have made errors before and was
least bit hesitant to come up off of an apology when it was right to do
I'm still waiting.
We can wait until hell freezes over, but there won't be any sincere
apologies seen...and there WILL be other threads started with the
obvious personal insults directed to others such as his "Cheap Shot
Steve's daily bread.
He needs a new diet. Desperately.
On the otherhand, we're STILL waiting on apologies from you on your
falsely claimed Somalia operation and your failed claim of "Unlicensed
play a major role in emergency comms" assertions, even though both of
have been hanging out there for MONTHS.
You need an apology for my Somalia operation???
You go to hell.
He's been there...and got medically discharged...
I never imagined that blanket parties could be so severe. Poor thing.
It's a new cause of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. :-)
How long does it take YOU to make an apology for mistated,
errant posts, Brain?
Steve, K4YZ
I've apologized to Dee. I thought she was wrong, I -said- she was
wrong, she was not wrong, and I stood corrected. That's how it works.
Yet you want an apology for my having an OPINION???
You're NUTS!
Cashews...but without the cash.
That only leaves the "ooze."
...or peanuts without the n***? :-)
Enough of this hilarity. Have to see what the rest of the amateurs
are discussing in this newsgroup for Architectural Digest and the
Naval Institute. Very Important subjects concerning amateur
radio policy! :-)
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