Subject: foreign amateur radio policy
From: (William)
Date: 10/26/2004 3:44 PM Central Standard Time
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message
. com...
You mean "Get used to our lying because we haven't even started
No lies.
"I operated legally from Somalia"
"Unlicensed devices play a major role in emergency comms"
To name a few....
I don't believe either of you is very well known in DXing.
Sorry, but it was not a "career goal" of mine.
Whew! Sure glad to hear that. Because based upon what we HAVE
seen of your "DXing" skills, you, the Little Woman and the kids would
be homeless and hungry.
You've seen nothing of my DX skills. I've received neither a QSL card
nor SWL card from you in any callsign.
Unlikely that you would.
You would have had to actually been ON THE AIR in order for me to ahve
worked you or copied you for an SWL card.
I'm sorry. That is incorrect. "William", "Brian" or "liar" would have
been an acceptable response. Thanks for playing.
Oh, my! I think you just called me a liar.
Why not? You've lied repeatedly. You ARE a liar.
No lies.
"I operated legally from Somalia"
Get in line, I don't think Steve's done yet. And bring your lunch.
Stop lying, I'll stop calling you a liar.
It really is THAT simple.
You call me a liar for having an opinion. You're nuts.
"I operqated legally from Somalia"
"Unlicensed devices play a major roll in emergency comms".
My accusations? The accusation where I corrected your use of the term
"World's Greatest DXer"? The accusation where I've told you that I'm
not responsible for where foreign hams operate, only for where I
operate? Maybe it was the accusation that because you continue to tell
deliberate untruths, that you're a liar.
I educated you with respect to operating amateur radio in a location
without a government.
YOU have not educated ANYone, Brain.
I have.
No, you've not.
I take that back...
You HAVE educated us as to waht an unrepentent liar you are.
YOU have yet to show where YOU know what the laws are. Indeed,
there's not one shred of evidence that you've ever done the things you
claim you have.
Poor Steve. Gotta have papers. "Yes Sgt. Shults, here are my
It's not about what I "gotta have"...Brain.
It's about what you NEED to have...You NEED to prove some of these
outlandish statements you keep making.
So far you've got several YEARS worth of "stupid" on file, and not one bit
of valid support of anything you've stated otehrwise.
Later you say I didn't.
Because you haven't.
I have.
Then you've lies AGAIN, Brain! Sheeeeesh. Give you EVERY opportunity to
back yourself out of your numerous corners gracefully, and you STILL run
headlong into more idiotic assertions.
Isn't your position
that I should be concerned enough to check these things?
If one had an obvious Novice callsign, such as "WNx...," you might
have to wonder. Often people volunteer what their amateur "status"
is, such as "I'm a Novice." That is another decent clue. Or, you
might be told that they are operating out of band.
The real problem occurs when you know they are out of band, but just
keep right on collecting those greenstamps.
The FCC has not issued "Novice" callsigns since 1976. There are
quite a few folks with Extra Class and Advenced Class licenses with WN
So you are saying that all Novices who once held WN prefixes now hold
some other kind of prefix?
WHERE did you get THAT?
There are also several 1x2's with General and Advanced Class
licenses on the books as of this date.
And plenty of Tech's with 2x2's.
Brain got one right!
Stop while you are ahead, Brain.
Steve, K4YZ
Stop while you're down. Cut your losses instead of going for broke.
I'm not "down" any, Brain.
You need to be reading the comments of others over the last couple
days...Not just your's and Lennie's stuff.
Steve, K4YZ