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Old November 4th 04, 06:31 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article et, "Dan/W4NTI"
w4nti@get rid of this writes:

"Len Over 21" wrote in message

There's been a traditional Holiday in the USA followed by the
November 2nd Day of Mourning. :-)

You want some cheese with that whine Lennie?

What "whine," white man?

The nice Sauvignon in the bar cabinet? The dessert wine from
Iowa? We have cheese from Wisconsin and California here,
no need to get head cheese from the southeast U.S. through
a newsgroup...

My written remark was a wry bit of humor IN GENERAL about
the result of the November 2nd voting...for ALL offices and
issues on the various ballots. HUMOR seems lacking.

Tsk. You use that as an opening for more Trash Talk and
Hate Spam trolling in order to "justify" a personal insult.

Tsk, tsk. Ya cain't fix stupid, can ya? :-)

How did I KNOW you were a knee
jerk, bleeding heart, liberal???? By the way you act.

Just HOW is a "knee jerk, bleeding heart liberal" supposed to
act? :-)

I found more relationship to the Mexican Day of the Dead in
regards to the "mourning." Perhaps I'm way too subtle for the
likes of you?

Hint: Halloween is a sort of Anglo-Saxon, Americanized
version of Day of the Dead. [too deep for your understanding?]

Well, I'm rather used to being with the PCTAs who are not
"dead" yet...except in their thinking. [see: Dead-brained]


Okay, you get "four" (not "for") more years of Mikey Powell as
Commissioner in Charge of the FCC and his wonderful acts of
kindness to hobbyists ("hams" to you, saviors of the radio world
in your thinking) due to Access BPL. Enjoy the noise in your
receiver. :-)

Now that the General Election is (finally!) over, there MIGHT be
some action on the 18 petitions plus NPRM on Part 97, Title
47 C.F.R. Do not worry. Your Big Brother in Newington is
going to SYA for you by pointing to Powell and making rude
noises from Haynie and Sumner. Enjoy the response
that results.

Have you joined your National Guard yet? Don't they need all
those wonderful morsemen to "go behind the lines" to "send intel
back to the 'front'" as they did in WW2? [or was that WW1?]
Serve your country the PROPER way, not by imagining you are
some sort of "credit" because you indulge in morsemanship on
the ham bands.