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Old November 25th 04, 12:28 PM
Steve Robeson K4YZ
Posts: n/a

Subject: Get your Trophy US Extra Callsign (A KH0x call would be nice!)
Date: 11/25/2004 5:04 AM Central Standard Time

On 24 Nov 2004 03:17:41 -0800,
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP)

If you do, why have you not provided this information to the
appropriate authorities?

We preached to the choir for a lot of years from Guam. Nobody
listened, because nobody cared. There were numerous complaints made to

the ARRL and Washington, D.C. about testing discrepancies, P.O. boxes,
mail drops in California, licenses arriving unexpectedly.

When the hams in Saipan reported to the ARRL VE (a number of times)
that 3 CB'ers with extra class KH0 calls were making sure that all the
other CB'ers got an extra class call too, nothing happened.

Then it sounds to me like you need to address this to the Department of
Justice, Jim. This is exactly the scenario Jim, N2EY is proclaiming, but it
sounds like US CBers were responsible for this, if I read you right...NOT
the sessions being conducted in the RP as Hans used as a point of conversation.

Just because the rules are the rules doesn't mean the rules make any
sense. There's a fine line between abusing a law and breaking it
maybe. People are abusing the hell out of the U.S. licensing system
because it's very easy to abuse. It needs to be fixed. But the people
who could fix it don't seem to care that it's broken.

Until Hans brought it up in this forum, Jim, it's the first I heard of
anyone fussing about it...Not that I read every line of every journal, but
after 20+ years of VE testing, I would have thought it would have made "the
news" at least once.

And I agree about things needing to be fixed.

I don't think we should start putting JA's in radio prison for
grabbing U.S. calls, but I think it's way past time where we should
have smartened up and fixed a very poorly implemented licensing

VE testing wasn't a great idea. Allowing VE testing anywhere by
anybody is way past rediculous.

As is having callsigns that are peculiar to the Pacific Rim/Alaska held by
folks living in CONUS, Jim...KH6's, KL7's, KH2's...! Defeats the whole
purpose of having distinctive calls, doesn't it...???

One more call for one of those kid's on Guam that Hans (or was it
Jim...???) is all concerned with?

73 and Happy Turkey Day.

Steve, K4YZ