Care To Try Again, Steve?
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November 28th 04, 08:24 AM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a
(William) wrote in message . com...
(Steve Robeson K4YZ) wrote in message ...
Subject: Care To Try Again, Steve?
Date: 11/26/2004 3:53 PM Central Standard Time
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) wrote in message
I may choke on this, but...
And...(hold on to your hats boys and girls...) I agree. My one
and only disagreement here is that, as of right now, it appears legal
and within the scope of Part 97.
So WHAT do we do to fix it?
We could act like the lobbyists (real lobbyists, not the ones the ARRL
Lobbyists rewrite the rules and present a *finished product* to the
Senate so the elected officials don't have to think too much. They
slap their names on the bill as "author."
Look, if the inmates are in charge of the left wing of the asylum
(VEC/Question Pools/Morse-Farnsworth Exams/etc), why can't we simply
rewrite Part 97 and present it to the FCC for publication?
Certainly we have more qualified "rules writers" than that last
restructuring fiasco.
Why not?
Steve, K4YZ
Steve, thanks for snipping all of the non-pertinent comments, and
Why not, indeed?
I just fat-fingered away about two hours worth of comments. Poof! Gone.
I'll try again later this weekend.
Three things: First of all, I am working, and didn't have time
to comment at length on the entire post.
Secondly, I only copied the text to which I was specifically
replying. Why re-quote the entire post just to make a couple
sentences worth of reply?
Lastly, when I ahve a chance to sit down to the rest, I will
answer the rest. Were the comments I supplied above not direct, to
the point and understood?
And your comments are NOT "poof...gone", Brian...They're still
right there on Google for anyone who wants to review always.
Steve, K4YZ
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