Thread: Delta Loops
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Old March 2nd 04, 05:29 AM
Richard Harrison
Posts: n/a

Bob, KD8WU wrote:
"I`ve had good luck with the superloop 40 from radioworks which is a
bottom fed vertical delta loop."

I`m ignorant of the superloop 40 but am guessing it is a small multiturn
loop for enhancing reception only. If so, the following applies. If the
superloop 40 is a full wavelength in circumference, I`m all wet.

"Delta loop" usually implies more than a triangular shape. It usually
means a large loop, often an entire wavelength in circumference.

When the circumference of a loop is a small fraction of a wavelength,
current throughout a turn in the loop is nearly in the same phase and
magnitude. This is responsible for a null in the loop`s response
perpendicular to the plane of the loop. Loop response is in all the
directions which are in the plane of the loop.

Not so with the large loop, delta, quad, or circular. These large loops
have a response perpendicular to the plane of the loop which allows loop
elements to be stacked like the rods in a Yagi so that a cmbination
called a "Quagi" can be built.

A small loop with one or 40 turns is a different animal from a large

Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI