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Old December 13th 04, 07:53 AM
Posts: n/a
Default 27540 khz Packet Net

There's actually been alot of 10.5 Meter "HF'er" packet
radio activity on and around this freq for many years.
Seemed to start about a year or two after AEA came
out with the PK-232. Mostly keyboard-to-keyboard
chat back then. As for 6.680 not hearing anything
but a VOLMET aero metrrology station on 6.679 USB
at night. (UK aero Wx station)

"Usenet Street Sweeper" wrote in message

Subject net is active at this time.
announcement was made they will qsy to nite freq 6680
at 2359 GMT.
traffic copied so far indicates a link to the 3965 khz pirate