bb" wrote
You see, she has asthma and can't work. But she can have wild,
passionate sex and get pregnant, then go through childbirth at least
I asked Brian N0IMD
Are you saying that asthma sufferers should not be allowed to have wild,
passionate sex or become parents?
Steve K4YZ chimed in with:
I am again forced to agree with Brian.
OK, folks, there you have it. Brian indicates that asthma sufferers who have
"wild, passionate sex" should not be eligible for SS benefits, and health-care
professional Steve agrees with him.
It must be true if these experts say it is.
Damn, I sure hope I never contract asthma, or I'll not be eligible for "wild,
passionate sex" when I grow old.
I wonder who checks on stuff like this? Is there a USSCC (U. S. Sex Cop Corps)
which conducts random screening of all asthma patients? Maybe the ARRL Official
Observers can get a homeland security grant for training in proper
observation/identification of those who are too "wild" or "passionate". This
could boost ARRL membership dramatically, because you must be an ARRL member to
be an Official Observer.
Can grandfathers/mothers be grandfathered/mothered in under the regulations?
Should there be bold caution labels affixed to all inhalers warning that "ONLY
So many questions!
3's, de Hans ("I invented Billy Beeper"), K0HB