Problem for boaters and APRS?
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December 29th 04, 09:54 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article ,
(N2EY) writes:
a lot of guru-type expostulation and exhortation on economics
and socio-political behavior omitted...
This all relates to amateur radio in a very basic way:
Unfortunately, it does NOT. All it points out is that you are using
this newsgroup as a general chat room to talk about ANY subject
instead of focussing on amateur radio policy.
The abuses mentioned by Steve and I are all the result of a mindset that
focuses on "rights" to the exclusion of *responsibilites*. Many of us see
proposed reductions in the standards of the ARS as a form of that mindset.
Many of "you" want to enforce your personal desires on everyone
else and think "you" are some kind of Keepers of a Covenant (of
some imagined god-inspired "service"). All because you met some
test requirements long ago, established by other Keepers of an even
older Covenant and are firm Believers in the Church of St. Hiram.
As usual, you olde-tymers are caught in the territorial imperative
emotionalism of a personal activity and want to enforce your
personal mindsets on all others. Not a good thing since the FCC
is not chartered by law to be a reflection on "your" personal desires
nor in the maintenance of a living museum of amateur radio antiquity.
Insofar as radio regulations go, the "ARS" does not stand for
Archaic Radiotelegrphy Service. Removal of the morse test does
NOT "dumb anything down" but rather makes the amateur hobby
more open, freeing it from all the tight confines of an imagined
"amateur profession" with all the rigid, inflexible standards and
practices that date back to seven decades ago.
"You" don't own anything but your own radio equipment in amateur
radio. "You" do not have any "power" to prevent non-amateurs from
communicating with their government on federal laws and regulations.
"You" olde-tymers have no claim over others on "rights" or anything
else. Try to conduct yourself appropriately when faced with reality.
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