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Old January 1st 05, 05:18 AM
Posts: n/a

Hey, Len. Happy New Year.

I think it's been about a decade since I joined you on RRAP. I think
Jim/KH2D was exiting at that point, and I never did see his stuff on
RRAP. I guess time flies when your fighting bad guys. I thought
things were actually turing around lately, but the closet libs decided
it was time to exit the closets after the election. I guess MoveOn dot
Org gave them the strength to belittle their fellow man. Rich people
know more than everyone else. In your face and all that.

Anyway, I've responded to several of the Mike/Jim postings of late, and
I'm really saddened that we have such sorry-assed citizens. Jim sorely
wants to compare America to a falling Roman Empire, and with all of the
help that he can muster, it just might come true. I'd like to kick his
liberal behind, but I'd end up getting butt-f***ed by his constituents
at the county workhouse when it was all over with. I sure wish he'd
invite them over to his house for a New Year's Eve party so they could
get all of the hedonism out of their systems.

Oh, well. What can you expect from people who have absolutley
***nothing*** invested in America? Yellow magnet ribbons on their
trunks??? Yep, they support the troops. Hi, hi!!! Yellow magnets!!!

Support America when it really didn't matter. Oooh Ahh and all that.
Wonder how many gallons of desalinated IO water they've drank in their

Oh, never mind. Kelly is gonna jump in here with all his military
experince. Har de har, har.