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Old January 4th 05, 11:28 PM
robert casey
Posts: n/a

Please, make a QSO with 0 KW RF output. I dare ya.

Almost close to a funny, Lennie!

Wonder if "Echolink" would qualify, but the ham using the
computer tied to the internet isn't using the RF spectrum
in the usual sense. But that would be 0 KW.... Unless
he links to a repeater in some city on teh other side
of the world.

* We exchange post cards after a QSO, they don't

Wow! [a big Ben Stein "wow..."]

Post cards from the edge? :-)

I know of no non-amateur radio organization who has a "QSL Buro."

Some CB or freebanders do exchange cards, though I don't
know if they use callbooks or what to get each other's
addresses. And not be found by the Funny Cookie Corporation.

* We're frequency-agile with a VFO, they aren't

Not all of you. A few of you "own" a frequency.

International Civil Aviation regulations (also FAA) allow aircraft


change any communications frequency they need over the
entire civil aviation band.

Those ARE assigned frequencies. And they may NOT change to ANY
frequency over the ENTIRE civil aviation band, Lennie.

Several HF-using radio services are allowed to change frequencies
as needed to continue communications. See ALE (Automatic
Link Establishment) as done by government agencies...or the
maritime radio services on HF or on VHF in harbor and inland
waterways. [just a few examples]

Again...Discreet, assigned frequencies by international

Even CB sets come with 40 different frequencies the users
can select at will. Not VFO though.

* We have swapmeets ("ham fests"), they don't

Non-ham licensees have NO NEED of "ham fests."

SOme CB clubs have flea markets that look a lot like

* We can build our own equipment, they can't

Untrue, even in broadcasting service. Get details on studio
electronics in broadcasting sometime.

That's not the transmitter. The transmitter and
antenna is the only part the FCC cares about, from
a technical viewpoint. There's a bunch of other
rules about nontechnical aspects, but nothing that
much cares about studio equipment.

Sorry...broadcast facilities MUST use FCC type accepted gear,

A REAL "radio professional" would know that.

The major reason that there's so little "homebuilding" with other
(non-ham) radio services is CO$T. Cheaper to buy ready-made
than to homebrew.

"Cheaper" than the FCC fine which would accompany the use of
non-type accepted equipment.

Other services are not likely to build radios when
they can buy what they need from off the shelf approved
equipment. For a lot less money. For them a radio
is a box that does something useful to get something they
want done.

* We operate for the fun of it, they don't

Kids on CB seem to have fun fooling around.
Not that that is a feature of that service....

First thing you've written that is close to the truth...

* We can ragchew for hours, they can't

You don't listen to "Talk Radio" do you?

Participants on "talk radio" do it via telephone, not two way

Tsk. Almost every radio service (other than broadcasting) has a
form of "ragchewing," including the military.

I doubt that a police dept would want their cops
ragchewing over their radios....

* We're licensed, you're not

WRONG! I have several licenses.

I just don't have an amateur radio license.

That's the first thing YOU have gotten right, Lennie.

Just get the damm license, you seem to know enough
to get it without much study, Len.

I could show you my poetic license ability but then I'd have to
bill you for services.

If it's over $1.25, you're ripping folks off.

I think the DMV revoked his poetic license.
