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Old January 10th 05, 10:04 PM
robert casey
Posts: n/a

larry wrote:

Greetings and happy new year...

I realise that this question might be a bit overkill since both your
goverment and mine, I am Canadian, are both discussing the morse code hf
requirement... but please bear ( possible spelling ) with me...

I am trying to get back onto hf cw but am running into a problem... my cw is
yucky... and I have forgotten the u.s. cw only subbands and ... is there
still a novice subband... It used to be from 3700 to 3750 and there was one
of 40 meters... I want to use the slower speed cw as code practice...

One way would be to just hunt for other slower CW ops calling
CQ. Where you hear CW being used is most likely the CW
subband. Of course this doesn't always work out if, say
you're in the USA and on 40m hearing foreign operators
outside the USA subband for that mode....