Operation with Expired License
N2EY asked what the rule authorization was for operation of an
amateur statsion on an expired license if renewal was made in a
timely manner.
Section 1.62(a) of the FCC Rules (not a Part 97 Rule) says:
§1.62 Operation pending action on renewal application.
(a)(1) Where there is pending before the Commission at the
time of expiration of license any proper and timely application
for renewal of license with respect to any activity of a
continuing nature, in accordance with the provisions of Section
9(b) of the Administrative Procedure Act, such license shall
continue in effect without further action by the Commission
until such time as the Commission shall make a final
determination with respect to the renewal application. No
operation by any licensee under this section shall be construed
as a finding by the Commission that the operation will serve
the public interest, convenience, or necessity, nor shall such
operation in any way affect or limit the action of the
Commission with respect to any pending application or
Lots of words for a simple concept.
73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane