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Old January 14th 05, 04:46 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article .com, "bb"

Many of those involved in the project were hams.

73 de Jim, N2EY

Ahh, yes. Hams doing non-ham stuff.
I wonder if they calculated the distance to the moon correctly?

Brian, they didn't have to calculate anything. Having taken
and passed the U.S. amateur radio license code test, they
knew intrinsically all about the Space Business and pioneering
of the radio arts. [Hams had invented astronomy, you see...]

Legend has it that when J.P. was Serving His Country teaching
the poor ignorant children of Redbank all about mort's code,
he would jog along the highway leading to Fort Monmouth. He
might have given the GIs on the post bus the one-finger salute
but he could smile to himself as he passed Coles, Evans, and
Squier Laboratories...hams were busy inside keeping our
country safe, serving the Signal Corps with the very best CW
equipment there could be. Those hams KNEW all about the
planetary positions given out in daily bulletins from W1AW.

Without hams we could only fish around and beef...

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