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Old January 16th 05, 03:45 PM
Steve Robeson K4YZ
Posts: n/a

Subject: Problem for boaters and APRS?
From: Mike Coslo
Date: 1/15/2005 9:56 PM Central Standard Time

N2EY wrote:
In article ,

(Len Over 21) writes:

I think you don't like the fact that it does relate.

In the end, Who cares? It is our newsgroup, and if you and I want to
talk about politics or an obscure Kert Vonnegut story, or if Bria wants
to talk about the boy scouts, or if Len wants to talk about sphinctors,
then "it's all good, man". I like the little side trips. It allows us to
get to know each other better.

Absolutely, Mike. I don't think I ever conciously thought of it that way,
but you're quite right (about getting to know each other better)

And seems to me I remember the name of the NG being something to do with
"Amateur Radio". Ironic then that we don't find any record of THIS Leonard H.
Anderson being a licensed Amateur. (There was another fellow who is now SK...I
don't think you were here when I pointed it out and Lennie went BESERK over the
idea that it MIGHT be him! Heaven forbid!)

All because you met some
test requirements long ago, established by other Keepers of an even
older Covenant and are firm Believers in the Church of St. Hiram.

You sure do pontificate on other's motivations.

Every time that Len speaks od Saint Hiram, it reminds me of the old
cartoon Fearless Fly. Mild mannered Hiram Fly was his alter ego.

Why all the fuss over a fly? 8^)

The only fly Lennie ought to be concerned with is the one he keeps leaving
unzipped in a public forum...There's laws against that!

As usual, you olde-tymers are caught in the territorial imperative
emotionalism of a personal activity and want to enforce your
personal mindsets on all others.

What's your suggestion, Len?

Should amateur radio become like cb? You were a cber, once. You said it was

lot of fun. Are you still a cber? Or did that service stop being fun for


You've told us about your home and how much it is worth and how close you

to a gated community of homes costing much more.

Which is odd considering the rest of us aren't supposed to talk about
off topic matters!

Of course, Mike! YOU aren't Lennie! If you were, you, and ONLY you would
be allowed to act as the moderator of an unmoderated newsgroup, would be
allowed to discuss anything you wanted to irregardless of thread topic (without
expectation of redirect to the topic) and YOU and ONLY you would be allowed to
denigrate, disparge and otherwise verbally insult and abuse others regardless
of how they treat you and then claim to be the "vicitm" whenit got fed back to

Removal of the morse test does
NOT "dumb anything down"

That's not what I wrote.

I wrote that it would lower the standards. And it would.

Bingo! From my limited observations, the testing regimen as it exists
today is not dumbed down from what it used to be. Every once in a while
someone trots out an old test question that leaves a lot of us stumped.
But it's just different, not harder.

Ummmmm.....I think the questions ARE harder, but it's exponentially easier
to pass since you DON'T have to KNOW the material! Just read through the Q&A a
few times! You'll pass! (eventually!)

But to argue that elimination of Element one is not lowering the
standards is just plain wrong. Doesn't matter if you think it is the
right thing to do or not, it is most assureadly lowering the standards.

And I don't think lowering standards is ever the right thing to do.

But that's exactly what we do when we publish the test questions AND

In case you didn't notice, Len, there's been a no-code-test class of

radio license here in the USA for almost 14 years.

And....... How many of those people that took the no-code tests just
allow thier licenses to expire?

The no-code license allows priveliges in most of the amateur
allocations. HF is just a small part of our portion of the spectrum.

Actually it's just a hair over 4% if you include 160 meters. A grand total
of 3.75Mhz of bandwidth plus the five 60 meter "channels". The six meter band
alone is wider than all of our MFHF spectrum.

freeing it from all the tight confines of an imagined
"amateur profession" with all the rigid, inflexible standards and
practices that date back to seven decades ago.

If all of Lennie's other misrepresentations and deceit weren't enough,
that paragraph right there would be enough to convince any other person who is
even marginally well informed on Amateur Radio matters that Lennie is an idiot
and antagonist of monumental proportion.

"You" do not have any "power" to prevent non-amateurs from
communicating with their government on federal laws and regulations.

That's right. Nor has anyone I know of tried to do that. You can spam ECFS

you want, Len. That's the right of *every* interested party.

What was the final count..?!?! 17 "responses" to various commenters, most
of which were "cookie cutter insults" on the motives or character of the

OTOH, I'm not the one telling others to "shut the hell up, you little USMC
feldwebel". You are.

Or to insert things in some sort of I/O port; or to engage in self

Lennie just wishes he could remember the last time he engaged in ANY
mutually gratifying sexual act. As for the "self" part, I am sure he wished he
remembered WHERE the parts were to fulfill same!

"You" olde-tymers have no claim over others on "rights" or anything

What does that mean? Are you telling me to shut up?

That's a Lenniesque effort to bring us down to his level. Lennie can't
bring himself to take the same tests every current new Amateur takes, so he
must bring all 600K+ of us down to him!

Try to conduct yourself appropriately when faced with reality.

Whose "reality", Len? You mean your opinions and mindset, that you want to
impose on everyone else?

Here's a clue: *Everyone* has a right to their opinions. And a right to

their opinions. That means you - and me. That means folks who are oldtimers

newcomers, "servers" and "nonservers", licensed and not licensed, etc.

Right on down to the humblest little Feldwebel and hocky puck. ;^)

Ich bin keine Feldwebel. Ich bin ein Hauptmann. Viele Danke!


Steve, K4YZ