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Old July 22nd 03, 02:08 AM
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(David Eduardo)
Per Talkers, the top shows based on cume a
1. Rush Limbaugh 14.50+
2. Sean Hannity 10.50+
3. Dr. Laura Schlessinger 8.00+
3. Howard Stern 8.00+
4. Michael Savage 6.50+
5. Art Bell - No longer on air 4.00+
5. Jim Bohannon 4.00+
5. Dr. Joy Browne 4.00+
5. Don Imus 4.00+
6. Neal Boortz 2.50+
6. Ken & Daria Dolan 2.50+
6. Clark Howard 2.50+
7. Mike Gallagher 2.25+
7. G. Gordon Liddy 2.25+
8. Glenn Beck 1.75+
8. Kim Komando 1.75+
8. Jime Rome 1.75+
8. Doug Stephan 1.75+
8. Bruce Williams 1.75+
9. Tom Leykis 1.50+
9. Michael Medved 1.50+
9. Bill O'Reilly 1.50+
9. Dave Ramsey 1.50+
10. Bob Brinker 1.25+
10. Dr. Dean Edell 1.25+
10 Phil Hendrie 1.25+
10. Rusty Humphries 1.25+

I'm not aware of many people who have faith in the accuracy of this list.

One PD told me it's partly based on a survey card sent to stations, many aren't
returned and what is sent back to them isn't verified with actual ratings. Do
the syndicators fill in the gaps? They are not known for being trustworthy in
this area.

Talkers relies heavily on ads from the syndication firms behind these programs.

One person on this list went up from last year despite losing his major
flagship station. He should have dropped based on the loss. The minnows he
picked up elsewhere wouldn't have been a drop in the bucket compared to the
huge hit taken.
The syndicator behind the show is a heavy advertiser in Talkers.

I also really doubt that Rusty Humphries has over a million listeners given the
tiny stations that carry him yet huge ads for his show run in Talkers every

There are several others who seem to have inflated figures and at least one
(who never advertises in Talkers) who I think is understated.