Thread: Ken Hamblin?
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Old July 26th 03, 07:54 PM
Rich Wood
Posts: n/a

On 25 Jul 2003 22:50:48 GMT, "G.T TYSON"
Anybody heard anything about the current status of the Ken Hamblin
show? Our local news-talk AM does not carry his show any longer.
I called the station and they gave me a vague, rambling explanation
about some kind of "contractual dispute" with his syndicator. Not that
it would ruin my life if his show was cancelled on that level, but has
he been discontinued in any other markets?

It's no longer on the air. None of his stations are keeping the time
period silent waiting for his return. If he does, he'll have to start
from scratch. That's a very difficult, long term process for a host
that didn't have that many stations to start with.

He's basically shot himself in the foot. Possibly the head. Any
station that picks a new version of the show will have no idea when
he'll throw another tantrum and disappear, again. Not a good way to
put a successful program schedule together and give it time to grow.

He screwed his stations.
