Just a thought - build a 40M 1/2 vertical out of wire - center fed with coax
running 90 degrees from antenna as far out as you can.
Works well here as I have another shorter tree to secure the coax to.
[ TREE 70 feet
[________________ coax 32 feet TREE
[ Antenna 64 feet
-- --------- ground
Incognito By Necessity (:-(
If you can't convince them, confuse them.
- - -Harry S Truman
"Alex" wrote in message
Has anyone tried building a 1/2 wave coaxial sleeve antenna for 40m? I
a large tree with a branch at 70' and i thought i'd pull the antenna up
a rope. Should i make the sleeve out of copper pipe? A 1/2 wave vertical
would be a nice antenna for 40m and i thought a coaxial sleeve antenna
give me a great feed impedance. Any thoughts? The coax are 100' of RG8.