Thread: 20m Yagi height
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Old March 5th 04, 08:10 PM
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I have my tribander at about 40 feet. There have been times, when I had my
amp on, that European stations told me I had the loudest signal coming in
from the States. I attribute that to the fact that the big guns with their
100 foot towers were shooting over Europe into central Asia. For extreme
long haul, like China, the 40 feet seems to be really the best on 15 meters

My tower is an old Wilson TT45. There is a modern US Tower equivalent, but
they call it 40 foot; depends on how tall a mast you stick on the end. You
can't use a thrust bearing with these, but the price is right. So, you put
any large antenna a couple of inches above the rotator. They come standard
with a tiltover base and house bracket. Mine is bracketed to the back of the
garage, and folds over parallel to the wall. This takes some exact
measurements to get the base in the right place. Also, when you fold it
down, the tower has to move slighty away from the wall, not into it. In my
case, 90 degrees was not an option, but would be the preferred way to do it.
"Bill Grimwood" wrote in message
How high does a 20 meter yaga need to be. will 50 feet be enough or do I
need 70?

Any recomendations on a foldover tower that I will not have to climb so I
can service tha antenna and rotor?