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Old January 3rd 04, 12:52 AM
Scott Dorsey
Posts: n/a

Richard wrote:
When it comes to seeking reviews of worldband receivers there are several
excellent sites.

But what is the situation when one is looking for reveiws of non-worldband
radios? Radios that only cover LW, MW and FM? It seems that this catagory
of radio does not attract the same attention when it comes to reviews.

Well, here in the US there are only a small handful of them that are any
good at all. There's the GE Superradio, and the Henry Kloss gadget and
that is about it these days. Unless you are talking about devices intended
for special purposes, like the Magnum Dynalab tuners or modulation monitors.

Can anybody direct me to any review pages where I can find articles on
these non-worldband radios?

Can you still get the Roberts radios in the UK? They used to have at least
acceptable RF stages.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."