Steven J Sobol wrote in message ...
Alan Freed wrote:
Christopher C. Stacy wrote:
I don't understand what the problem is. Can't you just choose
not to select those (clearly marked) articles for reading?
I would not characterize this as a "problem." It's a constructive
suggestion to improve Airwaves.
Two issues:
I read Airwaves via digest form, not individual Usenet articles (if
it's even still on Usenet). Regardless, while I *can* scroll past
postings via the digest in which I'm not interested (which I
regularly do on many lists I receive), doing so is inconvenient when
the individual posts are as lengthy as these two regulars are (often
1/3 or 1/4 of an entire digest for just one of them - see forthcoming
remark about bandwidth).
Perhaps we should ask the ARRL and WCBN posters to just post URLs then?
The amateur radio posts have nothing to do with the ARRL (American Radio
Relay League). They are from another group devoted to amateur radio.
I'm actually not sure if it's the group doing the posting or if
it's a third party.
They don't belong here because amateur radio has nothing to do
with broadcasting (beyond a common history that started with
some people being less interested in radio as a hobby so they
simply built or bought receivers (becoming listeners
at a time when nobody had much idea for using the medium), and then hams
became aware of this so they started broadcasting, ie speaking
to all those listeners at home, and then deliberately setting out
to be broadcast stations.
No, I think they land here because someone is simply going after
the "radio" angle in the newsgroup name, just like someone posted
an ad in the past week looking for WWII surplus receiver, that has nothing
to do with broadcast either.
The only possible reason that the Amateur Radio Newsline posts
belong here is if it's seen as a source of broadcast material
for news outlets or news programs on broadcast stations. And I'm
not sure that fits in here; either it opens the gates for all
kinds of similar groups posting their stuff in the hopes that
broadcast people will see it and make use of the stories, or
nobody is reading it and then there's no point.
Keep in mind that the posts are really accessible if anyone
is interested. At the same time they post here, they post
to a number of newsgroups in the pertinent hierarchy,* At the very most, this point only needs
to be added to a periodical post here of repetitive matters
(such as what is on topic). Indeed, such a post could be
made to the newsgroup only (where random people are likely
to be enticed to post), rather than to the mailing list
Realistically, the judge of what's acceptable should be
it's relevants to the newsgroup topic.