Meyer, You do not say what the total $$ is, real estate included, etc.....
Your slippin!
"Meyer Gottesman" wrote in message
For sale:
Partial ownership in AM radio station. Upstate NY near
Albany. 1 KW, daytimer, some night power. On the air
since 1981. College town.
Joint venture. Active or inactive investors with at
least $10,000 each are welcome. All investors would be
on the board with full voting rights if desired. No
individual may own over 49 percent. This rule applies
to me too!
a-My parole officer. Mr. Larson E. Rapp. Syng-Syng,
Ossneat, NY
b-Brazilian Bandit Airways. (Purchased one-way ticket
to Rio using all small unmarked bills).
Please! No "AM bashers" or other negative nabobs.
Tel: (478)741-1710 in Macon, GA
Meyer Gottesman, W6GIV
aka "The Radio Crazy"
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