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Old January 17th 05, 08:33 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Kim wrote:
"N2EY" wrote in message

In article , Mike Coslo

N2EY wrote:

In article ,

(Len Over 21) writes:

In article ,

(N2EY) writes:

This all relates to amateur radio in a very basic way:

Unfortunately, it does NOT.

Yes it does! ;-)

All it points out is that you are using
this newsgroup as a general chat room to talk about ANY subject
instead of focussing on amateur radio policy.

I think you don't like the fact that it does relate.

In the end, Who cares?

Len obviously cares a lot.

It is our newsgroup, and if you and I want to
talk about politics or an obscure Kert Vonnegut story, or if Bria wants
to talk about the boy scouts, or if Len wants to talk about sphinctors,
then "it's all good, man".

I don't know if "it's all good", but that doesn't really matter. This is


unmoderated newsgroup, and while Len may want to be the moderator, he just

I like the little side trips. It allows us to
get to know each other better.

I couldn't follow who posted what above, but I think whoever said "It allows
us to get to know each other better" may need just a little bit of a reality
check. This is an "online" venue, and I don't believe that this allows for
getting to "know" anyone. OK, maybe slightly...and then only in a few

No reality check needed, Kim. If a person is honest and
straightforward, then it comes across. If a person uses various
"personas" fro their posting, then that also comes across. If a person
needs to disguise themselves, if they feel comfortable tossing brickbats
at another, disregarding that there is a human on the other side, and
that Usenet is not a sort of insulting text game that they play with
their computers, then that also tells a lot about the person.

It is like people claiming that alcohol causes them to do evil and
antisocial things. Sorry, but they were already evil and antisocial. The
alcohol simply allowed them to shift the blame.

For instance, the internet, chat rooms, and newsgroups are the greatest
playground for playing Devil's Advocate or even downright antagonism, or
inciting "a riot" so to speak!

Because the person is like that. I know a lot about people that incite
major antagonism in newsgroups, even if they are civil in person.

I know I can get certain people going in a
heart beat of a stroke of a few keys of my keyboard, and they'll look pretty
darned idiotic to most who may have been taking them seriously...

In a short, don't ever think that this (the internet) is the medium of
humanism, or personalization, or "knowing" others. It just ain't so...

I don't use it to determine anothers personality, but I can determine
true personality from it.


- Mike KB3EIA -