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Old March 21st 04, 12:00 AM
Meyer Gottesman
Posts: n/a
Default For sale: AM radio station construction permit for sale. In Georgia.

For sale:

(The "Radio Crazy" is baaaaakkkk but this time he is
selling something and NOT looking for investors.)

AM construction permit for Warner Robins, GA. The 8th
largest city in the state. Has the largest civilian
employer in the state, Robins Air Force base.

I believe it is the fastest growing city in Georgia
and the present population is about 53,000. Will
probably reach 100,00 by the end of this decade.

The CP was (will be as it is a "shoe-in")granted as a
result of my filing during the 1/26 to 1/30/2004
filing window and was unopposed.

It is for 1600 KHz, fulltime, 1 KW days, 250 watts

I will sell for $50,000. My parole officer says I am
not allowed to say this but I will. If you are a J_W
or a B___K it is $100,000. If you are a Muslim it is
$200,000! My parole officer is: Mr. Larson E. Rapp,
c/o of ZingZing prison, Ossingstink, NY 12345. (I
know, dude! I am not politically sue

Only those fully identifying themselves can deal. I
will need you SS number, age, race, religion, do you
go to church? Do you mow your lawn? Medical records?
Bank accounts. If you don't like, wait for the next
FCC filing window probably circa 2054!!!!

I am NOT a crook! I am not an agent, shill, etc. This
time I AM an owner!

This CP is real!!! This CP is real!!

Call (478)741-1710 in Macon, GA

This CP is real!!! This CP is real!!


Meyer Gottesman, W6GIV
aka "Radio Crazy"
aka Moron Gottesman

PS, some of the nasty stuff is satire only and no
offense is intended. If you really want the CP, you
can live with that. It is on the FCC website for those
"flamers" that think I am off the wall!


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