Thread: US talk radio
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Old March 29th 04, 07:28 PM
Rich Wood
Posts: n/a

On 28 Mar 2004 16:02:05 GMT, "Mike Terry"

Are these what used to be called shock jocks? They are more shocking than
ours in the UK!

Rush Limbaugh seems to be in a sad state, his catchphrase is "Talent on loan
from God"!

I'm afraid the BBC is stuck in the last century. Rush Limbaugh has
been using that slogan almost since day one well over a decade ago.
It's a little like saying WINS is in a sad state because they've used
"Give us 22 minutes and we'll give you the world." Sometimes a slogan
stands up to the test of time. Advertising agencies have orgasmic
incedents when they discover one of their slogans enters popular

G Gordon Liddy seems very opinionated.


I quote from the programme "radio is to the right".


I wonder if the new station, Air America, will be welcomed to widen the

First, a very small percentage of the population will have access to
Air America programming compared with its conservative competition.
It'll take many years to develop the coverage enjoyed by Limbaugh
(600+ for Limbaugh. Fewer than 20 marginal signals for Air America).
The conservatives already have the best signals on well branded

New York will be very difficult because their outlet is solidly
branded as a Black station, both Black talk and Dominican music. The
WLIB heritage (sadly) will have to be destroyed before a new one can
be created. That'll require a call letter change and very expensive
promotion. Their competition will be WABC. WABC does a lot of transit
promotion and television during important rating surveys. WABC and
KFI, Los Angeles compete for the title of the most listened-to Talk
station in the nation.

I have the feeling that Al Franken, in partifcular, will make it an
"us vs. them" atmosphere. If he does, it'll be a wonderful promotional
medium for conservative stations. The more he mentions O'Reilly and
Limbaugh the more Air America should charge Premiere and Westwood One
for advertising time. I say that sadly because I really like Al
Franken and Randi Rhodes.

Will advertisers aim to the liberal market?

By and large advertisers avoid any kind of controversy. That's why
Laura Schlessinger lost 30 million in billing over her slam at the gay
community and Michael Savage threatened to sue everyone on earth for
complaining to his advertisers for something similar (excuse: "I
didn't know the mic was on"). Large network advertisers avoid
controversy like the plague. It doesn't matter if the controversy is
on the right or the left.

I can't believe the BBC is just noticing that Talk Radio in the US is
right wing.
