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Old April 22nd 04, 03:10 AM
Andrew Dickens
Posts: n/a


Thanks for your help. The regulator was good. We swapped it with a brand
new one and it did not fix the voltage drop (13.5 down to 9). Replacing the
power supply fixed it. The power supply that failed was the factory
original. The replacement unit was pulled from our other STL transmitter.

The second unit - the one that exhibits noise has a constant white noise
that can be heard during both quiet and loud periods. It also has a raspy
high frequency distortion that you can hear, particularly when someone is

It is not a line echo. But the sound is similar to a bad long distance
connection, where you say something and hear a distorted version summed with


"Scott Dorsey" wrote in message
Andrew Dickens wrote:
Hi. We have a stereo (two channel) Marti STL-10 system.

A few weeks ago we started noticing noise, and we traced it to the STL

One of our two STL transmitters was showing a low +13.5 voltage. We
discovered this voltage was +13.5 when not transmitting and dropped to

when transmitting. We pulled the unit and swapped out the power supply

the symptoms disappeared.

So, you checked the positive regulator?

BUT - while that unit was out we ran with our supposed good unit (normal
meter readings). All of a sudden we started hearing significant noise on
that channel.

What sort of noise? Crackling? Hissing? Humming?

Is there ripple on the power supply output? If you swapped it with a

supply that has been sitting on the shelf for years, I could see why a cap
might fail and produce a lot of hum.

Anyone have experience with noisy Marti units? Where should I search

Transmitter or receiver? Noise sounds like HF clipping - all kind of
distorted in the high end, almost like an echo on a long distance line.
Unit is using 75usec pre emphasis and driven below 100% modulation.

HF clipping doesn't sound like noise. Are you talking about a noise

or a distortion problem?

A line echo does not sound like either noise or distortion.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."